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This site was granted outline planning permission in December 2020 and was jointly acquired by Bellway and Latimer. The planning permission granted:


1,200 Homes

40% affordable housing

2 schools

Through traffic route

At least 11 ha (27 acres) of public green space

Shops and facilities

Dedicated cycle routes

There will be eight residential and non-residential reserved matters applications for the Cherry Hinton North development, alongside two separate applications for primary and secondary schools. The first of these was an infrastructure application which covered the whole site. The team are now moving forward with reserved matters applications for the first phase of development on the site which can be seen in the image below in the context of wider masterplan with key connections to the wider area.

Wider masterplan


Reserved matters application

As part of the first phase of development, two reserved matters applications are being submitted. As part of these applications, we are bringing forward 354 new homes, including much needed affordable homes, alongside landscaping and open space. A further application will feature a sales and marketing arena which will include show homes for prospective buyers.


Below is a 3D Masterplan image showing the first phase of development.

Site overview - amended.jpg

Aerial view of masterplan

Contact us

We will write to local residents to inform them of the latest news regarding Cherry Hinton North. If you would like to receive e-mail copies as well, please provide your e-mail address below


Connect are working on behalf of Bellway and Latimer to collect information relating to the Cherry Hinton North development proposals. We value your privacy and the data collected through this feedback form will only be used to inform Bellway and Latimer application for the site. We will keep your personal data until the completion of the planning process.


We will always treat your personal data with the utmost care and take all appropriate steps to protect it. You can view our Privacy Policy at or you can request a copy by emailing us at or calling us on 020 7592 9592.

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