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Living infrastructure

Living Infrastructure is a network of spaces that integrate both green and blue infrastructure that are strategically planned, designed and managed to deliver an increased quality of public life in an urban and rural setting


Nature will be incorporated into every aspect of the design, with an approach described as “Living Infrastructure”. This will create an integrated network of natural habitats, sustainable urban drainage, and tree planting. The aim will be to deliver an increased quality of life, enhanced biodiversity and improved microclimate.

Climate Change

Homes and buildings will be energy efficient and designed to be gas free from the outset. Designs will be climate change resilient, helping conserve water and energy resources both during development and once in use. Designs will focus on using passive principles, maximising benefits to people through green spaces and reducing running costs by encouraging sustainable lifestyles.


The development will put future stewardship in place to sustain its beauty over the long term. Responsibility for the streets, trees and green spaces will be split between the local authorities and a planned management trust, taking care to avoid unfair service charge costs for residents.

Airport safety

Landscapes must be designed to ensure safety at the airport – but will be adaptable to allow further landscape improvement, such as improved habitats for birds, if the planned closure of the airport goes ahead.

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